Sperling Staël von Holstein 16th of January 1886 - 30 July 1946
Bjarne Staël von Holstein 22th of October 1895 - 1961

Sperlings and Hugo Bjarnes father Henning Magnus Staël von Holstein tabell 39 was a cousin to
Birger Henning. He was a soldier in the swedish army. Sperlings mothers name was Alice Hedvig
Margaretha (maiden name Cnattingius.)

Sperling was born on the 16th of january 1886 in the swedish town Gothenburg. He was
named after his grandfather Carl Sperling . On 22nd of october 1895 he got a brother Hugo
Bjarne. Sperling studied on Skara högre allmänna läroverk in 1902.

Erlandsson, Elis: Skara högre allmänna läroverks lärjungar 1870-1910

Sperling studied in Halmstad 1906 and at the university in Lund. 1907. He moved to Stockholm
1909 and studied law at the university. 1915. Sperling worked for the Argentine state until 1919
After that he moved to Calleo ) Pernu and worked as "Vice konsul until 11th of september 1923.
Sperling then moved to to Quito in Ecuador 11 september 1923 to work as "Generalkonsul".
Evert Taube from Sweden writes in his book "Många hundra gröna mil" om sitt möte med
Sperling "En afton superade jag på Sportsbar i Calle Florida med Sperling Staël von Holstein
som då var sekreterare på Meteorlogiska institutet och som längre fram blev svensk general-
konsulent i Ecuador." I Ewert Taubes bok Samlade berättelser med tillhörande visor och ballader
volym 2 får man även veta att "efter middagen drack vi svart kaffe på Maipu Bar". Calles Florida
(Florida street) is a street in the town Buenos Aires in Argentina.
Sperling got two children Inga (1928) and Carlos (1934) .
Sperlings death was published in two newspapers in Sweden: Dagens Nyheter on 5th of August
1946 and in Svenska Dagbladet on 4th of august 1946. He died on 30th July 1946.
Sperlings grandchild Richie wrote a mail to me 2014-12-18.

"Carlos (1934- 2013 ) Stael Proaño, my father, unfortunately passed away in February 7 last
year, at the age of 79 he was the son of Carl Sperling Stael von Holstein, who was the General
Consul of Sweden in Quito-Ecuador. His daughter, my aunt Ingrid (1928) Stael is alive and in
good health. she is 85 now"
Bjarne Staël von Holstein 22nd of October 1895 - 1961
Hugo Bjarne, was born on the 22nd of october 1895 in the swedish town Alingsås. After he
had taken officersexamen at skånska kavalleriet he traveled to Peru where he stayed for a
couple of year. After that he went to Ecuador and worked as a agent for AB Svenska kullager-
fabriken at their office i Quito. He got married in 1927 to Maria Stella Franco Villagomez,
(born 26th of may 1900 in Quito). In the 1940 edition of Adelskalendern he is listed as a
merchant in Quito. Bjarne died in 1961. Maria Stella died on 2nd of June 1999 in Porona. Bjarne
and Marie got a daughter called Sylvia Mercedes Rosario on 11th of May 1928. According to
"adelskalendern" she lived in Pleasentville, New Jersey. She was married in Guaya in Ecuador on
30th of October 1948 to Jorge Garcia Alcivar (1921-1994). Sylvia and Jorge got a son called
Jorge Garcia after he father.

Anred, Gabriel: Svenska adelns ättartaflor volym 7 - Tabell 9
Elgenstierna, Gustaf: De introducerade adels ättartavlor, 1932
Erlandsson, Elis: Skara högre allmänna läroverks lärjungar 1870-1910
Sveriges Adelskalender: 1930, 1940, 1951, 1957, 1962, 1963 and 1986
Riddarhuset (The House of Nobility)
Sveriges statskalender / 1931 / Svenska konsulat i utlandet, Ecuador, Quito sid 242
Dödsannonser för Sperling Staël von Holstein DN 1946-08-05 och SvD 1946-08-04
AGA gascoline
Acta Universitatis upsaliensis: Studia historica Upsaliensia, Volym 35 1971
Mail from;
Jorge Garcia Staël 2010-08-26 and 2015-03-04
Richie Staël 2014-12-18.